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GESS Student Elections (December 9th at 18.00 on Zoom)


I’m interested in running, but do I need to prepare anything?

No! That’s the beauty of this system. Simply come to the event and introduce yourself when the Board asks for candidates for a particular position! Please note, though, that only students from particular majors can run for their respective Teaching Commission positions!

What is a Teaching Commission?

Each course of study at the D-GESS has its own Teaching Commission, in which teachers, students and the course co-ordination team are represented. Topics such as the content and duration of the course of study, examination regulations, number of applicants, etc. are discussed. The grading conference also takes place within the UK, but with the exclusion of student representatives.

What is the Department Conference?

The Department Conference is composed of representatives of all D-GESS departments and all hierarchical levels, i.e. all professors, as well as representatives of the middle management, archives, administration, and students. Here, topics are addressed that affect all members of the department (not only, but also the students). In general, this includes the determination of the scientific orientation of the department and thus also the allocation of funds, the invitation of guest lecturers, the awarding of the doctorate, etc.

Published 05.12.2020

Pages: 1 2

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